Location: Waldkraiburg, Mühldorf am Inn, Germany
Date of construction: December 2019 – August 2021
Info: Living must be affordable. This is also true in Waldkraiburg, the largest town in the Upper Bavarian district of Mühldorf am Inn. Most recently, 87 affordable flats were created there, in a very central location on the Iserring. Behind this is the Waldkraiburger Wohnungs- und Siedlungsgenossenschaft (WSGW), which organised an architectural competition to find the best solution for the area. Over 20 million euros have gone into the project, including funding in the form of grants and subsidised loans. For the neighbourhood on the Iserring, it was the perfect solution. Previously, post-war buildings stood there that no longer met today’s housing standards. Renovations would not have made much sense from an economic perspective: poor building fabric including considerable water damage, inadequate impact sound insulation, narrow at layouts, no barrier-free access. All this called for a clear cut. WSGW decided against renovating the post-war buildings - and instead opted for demolition and new construction, for new apartment buildings and targeted redensification, for more flats with modern standards. The buildings were constructed with climate-neutral (TÜV Nord Cert Standard TN-CC 020) bricks: S9 and S8 with a wall thickness of 42.5 cm ensure excellent thermal insulation, and the buildings comply with the KfW 55 standard. The bricks also met the high requirements for sound insulation.